Watching a Movie in Japan

09:46 sixparty 0 Comments

Watching movies in Japan is almost the same as any other cinema in the world. However, prices may differ for everyone. A popular cinema in Japan would be Toho Cinemas which can be frequently found in O1O1 shopping malls.

Special Prices:

-Wednesdays are the usual "ladies days" where movie tickets for ladies can be purchased at 1000YEN.
-Every 1st of the month, tickets are all 1000YEN.
-Senior citizens above 60 years old can also purchase tickets at 1000 YEN.

A normal ticket price can be 1500YEN-1800YEN.

Popcorn and the like can also be purchased for around 1000YEN with a drink.

Please take note:

There are usually two choices for American movies/English Speaking Movies. Those that are dubbed over in Japanese. Or those that are in English and have Japanese subtitles. It is important to clarify that before purchasing tickets, especially for non-Japanese speaking people.

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