A great masterpiece directed by George Clooney, show what is the true politics about.
The Game
Governor Mike Morris (George Clooney) is running for presidency against Senator Pullman in a Democratic primary. Both sides has been campaigning aggressively, with Stephen Myers (Ryan Gosling) and Paul Zara (Philip Seymour Hoffman) aiding Morris in his slight lead over Senator Pullman.
Setting Up
Senator Pullman's head campaign manager Tom Duffy (Paul Giamatti) calls Stephen Myers one day to arrange for a meetup intention was to engage him into helping Pullman, not knowing that Tom Duffy is trying to jeopardize his job in the campaign. After the meet up, Stephen Myers was harrassed by the media and it was Paul Zara who informed the media. Now Morris lost a good helping hand while Pullman has one lesser opponent to face. A WIN-WIN situation for Pullman and great move by Tom Duffy.
Gambling On The Leverage
Stephen Myers was totally devastated while he is out of job and Tom Duffy initial intention to pull him over was just a plot. The woman he loved committed suicide and he was nowhere to go. However, he does know Governor Morris's secret, a leverage which he forced Paul Zara out of job and becomes the next big man to Governor Morri's
It is the movie that shows the real politics in politics world. Perhaps this is why the cast received a combined 13 Academy Awards nominations, 3 Academy Awards, 23 Golden Globe nominations and 6 Golden Globe awards.