Showing posts with label Daily Diary 毎日の日記. Show all posts

Happy Chinese New Year 2014 !!!

Happy Chinese New Year 2014 !!!

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1。她无聊时陪她。 2。她难过时安慰她。 3。男生要主动点。 4。多约女友出去。 5。不能让女友主动约你。 6。让她每天都开心愉快。 7。要好好对待女友。 8。顺从女友的意愿。 9。不要让她伤心难过。 10。当她被欺负要立刻去保护她。 11。不要隐瞒女友事情。 12。不能背叛女友。 Continue Reading >

New Year Greetings 2014

New Year Greetings 2014

Before 2⃣0⃣1⃣3⃣ Ends, Let Me Thanx All The Good People Like U, Who Made 2013 Beautiful For Me. I Pray U B Blessed With Faithful Year A Head. Continue Reading >

31st Dec 2013 Mini Home BBQ Celebration

31st Dec 2013 Mini Home BBQ Celebration

Happy New Year everyone !!  Continue Reading >

Finally, end of 2013 and start of 2014. Good Spell ?

Finally, end of 2013 and start of 2014. Good Spell ?

Time passed really fast and without notice, we are coming to the end of 2013. This year was a a year of many event, including the death of my beloved Grandma, first year anniversary with my girl friend and company 35th anniversary. IContinue Reading >

Some Changes in the blog

Some Changes in the blog

Dear All, Another year has passed and finally we are going into 2013 and knowing that the world did not ended on 21st December 2012. The blog will undergo some change gradually and it will be a central for all of my otherContinue Reading >

Xiao Jian eating her tidbits

Xiao Jian eating her tidbits

Just bought some dried pig ears for her to chew on ... Seems like sheis facing some difficulties in tearing it off ... Use all positionjust to tear the ear apart .. Lol..Continue Reading >

Reading a book .. the LEGACY effect.

Reading a book .. the LEGACY effect.

Today is the 2nd day of the National Achievers Congress 2010. One more day to go before I can have a good rest.. The time shows 12:55 am at this exact moment and I am not yet sleeping ? I think it shouldContinue Reading >

Creepy Crawler.. A Centipede Inside My House

Creepy Crawler.. A Centipede Inside My House

Beware the next time you come to my house and sit on in my living room.. Look what we have discovered.. It was moving so quickly that I only catch a glimpse of it before it disappear, but still managed to trapped itContinue Reading >

Lazy me ..... ;(

Lazy me ..... ;(

It has been quite a great deal of time last since I update this blog or maybe even to post anything on it. I have been pushing myself off the thought of penning down any thoughts or post and just even as I wasContinue Reading >

Playing MJ three days in a row .. Shag !

Playing MJ three days in a row .. Shag !

I could not believe that I have been playing mahjong for 3 straight days.. Though I was planning of playing on the X'mas eve, but ended up playing on the Christmas day after I could not find a good movie to watch and onContinue Reading >

Top 10 Goals For Year 2011

Top 10 Goals For Year 2011

2010 is coming to an end and I believe everyone is looking forward to 2011 with new wishes and goals, including myself. I am going to list down all my goals and see how much of it I could complete at the end ofContinue Reading >

Bad service early in the morning

To wake up so early has not been a easy task, but to expect a re-schedule in the flight is unexpected ..... Now stuck in the airport for another one hour .Continue Reading >

Half Cooked Curry Puff for Breakfast ...

Once again gotten wake up early for the medical appointment and long hours of waiting. The worst part here is there wasn't any delicious breakfast that can perk me up. Tried the curry puff but it is so .... Uncook.. (ToT)/~~~Continue Reading >

Another tree fallen ...

I was driving my friend back to his house this morning and there was this tree lying across two lanes. Seems like the rain yesterday is quite heavy....Continue Reading >



久しぶりですよね。シンガポールに帰って、もう一年ぐらいですね。この頃にも日本語の勉強全然やってない。。帰国したの私、日本語の使い時間全然ないし、それとも、人々に言っても、多分誰も分からないと思う。。でも仕事のおかけて、日本語の翻訳仕事やってるから、まだこの機会に日本語を使える。。あぁ、どうしようかな。。。まだ日本に戻りたい。。Continue Reading >

Life is irony

Life is irony

Sometimes I think that life is irony. Things don't always goes that way we wanted it to be and at time, we encounter surprises which we are too shock to accept it as well. Looking back in my spent life, regardless of work, relationship,Continue Reading >

Almost 3 months I am back in Singapore

Almost 3 months I am back in Singapore

Couldn't really remember the last time I have been blogging since I came back to Singapore. Work load is getting a bit messy at the current moment and it goes the same for my life as well. Ironically, hopefully i get to grow olderContinue Reading >

Dinner at Ju Shin Jung Korean Restuarant

Dinner at Ju Shin Jung Korean Restuarant

Hey, thanks to Allan that everyone turns around because of my roaring. (I think those sitting around that table knew what happened. Anyway, I make sure I will give you a punch the next time you try to pull the same trick again... LookContinue Reading >

A special time on a special day

A special time on a special day

I was listening to 91.3Fm that day and there was a amazing fact which all of you might want to know.On the 12:34.56 of 7th August 2009 would be a special time because it would form a sequence of 123456789 !!!The next time itContinue Reading >