How can you unlock PDF for free ?
Understand it is frustrating sometimes when you have downloaded a document online which is not top secret, yet it has been locked for printing which you have wished to bring along for your business trip where internet is not easily accessible. I believe those reading this article is definitely facing the same frustration which I had before. I have found some solutions and would like to share with all in the same plight.
FreeMyPDF unlocks the pdf format file without editing or adding watermark to the document. Simply just click choose file button and select the file which you wanted to remove restrictions. It will automatically download once it is done. Furthermore, they are able to remove restrictions for file size to a maximum of 200mb.
PDFUnlock has a drag and drop function which provide greater ease as compared to FreeMyPDF. Furthermore, it has links to My Computer, Dropbox and Google Drive where you can draw files from as well. However, there is a drawback. The maximum allowable file size is only 5mb, so it might not be suitable for all your files. However, they do have paid version (USD 25 for windows version) which lift of the size restrictions.
1. FreeMyPDF
FreeMyPDF unlocks the pdf format file without editing or adding watermark to the document. Simply just click choose file button and select the file which you wanted to remove restrictions. It will automatically download once it is done. Furthermore, they are able to remove restrictions for file size to a maximum of 200mb.
2. PDFUnlock
PDFUnlock has a drag and drop function which provide greater ease as compared to FreeMyPDF. Furthermore, it has links to My Computer, Dropbox and Google Drive where you can draw files from as well. However, there is a drawback. The maximum allowable file size is only 5mb, so it might not be suitable for all your files. However, they do have paid version (USD 25 for windows version) which lift of the size restrictions.