New Year Greetings 2014

Before 2⃣0⃣1⃣3⃣ Ends,
Let Me Thanx All The Good People Like U,
Who Made 2013 Beautiful For Me.
I Pray U B Blessed With Faithful Year A Head.

31st Dec 2013 Mini Home BBQ Celebration

Happy New Year everyone !! 

China Version of Hummer Vehicle ?

I was rushing to Wuhan Airport one day when my eyes caught attention of a police car parking along the roadside. At first, I think it was really a Hummer, but a closer look it seems otherwise. I am not sure what is the brand of the vehicle but it definitely have the looks of a real Hummer.

Finally, end of 2013 and start of 2014. Good Spell ?

Time passed really fast and without notice, we are coming to the end of 2013. This year was a a year of many event, including the death of my beloved Grandma, first year anniversary with my girl friend and company 35th anniversary.

I think that I should really allocate some time to think about the resolution I will have in 2014. Empty and tired at mind right now.. Will 2014 a good year for career and love life ? Though I have looked through the Horoscope and in 2014 I will also 犯太岁。。。 Could not imagine what is ahead for me..

Well. relax a while and blog man.


初一,十五 拜天公
初二,十六 拜师父宮,叩军(下午)



天公和师父公 - 各十二样水果
剩下12尊神 - 各三样水果