Dessert at Liang Seah Street Tang Shui Xian 糖水先

Grass Jelly with Sweet Potato and Sago

At times, I thought using the most simplify ingredients can produce the greatest dish, but I was wrong on this dessert. It is a pure mixture of shaved ice and sweet potatoes without a tint of natural sweetness in the dessert at all. I would not recommend this dessert to anyone.

Durian shaved ice... Nice to eat but after the ice melted, it is like a overdose of milk mix...

Waffle n ice cream is nice , but the cocoa powder spolit it...

Thai Restaurant at Hougang - Nakhon Kitchen

Hey Dan, I think you was talking about the Thai restuarant near your house and this should be the one. I was there just now around five plus but it was closed so I went to eat mee goreng at the coffeeshop we went together for my birthday crab.. Next time we can go there eat together la .. swee bo ?

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Carbonated Coffee in Indonesia

carbonated coffee soda in indonesia
Has anyone tried carbonated coffee ? I was away in a business trip in Indonesia and they offered me a drink which I am quite surprised. The moment I took the first sip, I knew I am in for it. Perhaps it is a new flavour, I couldn't get over the overwhelming taste of coke with coffee. Why F&N don't sell this in Singapore ? lolx.

Xiao Jian eating her tidbits

Just bought some dried pig ears for her to chew on ... Seems like she
is facing some difficulties in tearing it off ... Use all position
just to tear the ear apart .. Lol..

Fast Five 2011 Wallpapers (Part 3)