2nd round of dessert tasting - Ah Chew Desserts

08:45 Unknown 0 Comments

Ah C is not satisfy with the dessert just now so she dare us for
another round of dessert.. The results ??


Dessert at Liang Seah Street Tang Shui Xian 糖水先

08:11 Unknown 0 Comments

Grass Jelly with Sweet Potato and Sago

At times, I thought using the most simplify ingredients can produce the greatest dish, but I was wrong on this dessert. It is a pure mixture of shaved ice and sweet potatoes without a tint of natural sweetness in the dessert at all. I would not recommend this dessert to anyone.

Durian shaved ice... Nice to eat but after the ice melted, it is like a overdose of milk mix...

Waffle n ice cream is nice , but the cocoa powder spolit it...